Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eyes Peeled

I've experienced enough of Arma 2 to share a few conclusions I've reached about the game and, perhaps, the world in general.
Concealed soldiers in Arma 2
There are three NPC soldiers in this shot. Can you spot them all?
It's really hard to see people out in the field. I work in an office environment where I normally encounter other humans at a maximum distance of five meters. In Arma 2, they may start shooting at you from 500 meters away - and that's not even counting designated marksmen (snipers), mobile armor units, or static equipment like artillery.
Less concealed soldiers in Arma 2
Believe it or not, all three NPCs are less than 70 meters away.
That said, the realism is one of Arma 2's most appealing factors. I actually enjoy the challenge of tagging targets in the wilderness before they spot me. It reminds me of playing paintball in the woods, only at super-exaggerated range.

Anyway, I leave you with this piece of advice: keep your eyes peeled.

Keep your eyes peeled!
Eyes on!

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