Tuesday, November 20, 2012

PlanetSide 2 Release

Back in 2003 Sony Online Entertainment released a uniquely interesting massively multiplayer online role-playing first person shooter known as PlanetSide. A couple of friends and I played for a few months. I think it was my first MMO, and I didn't even have a credit card. We payed with those pre-paid game time cards you could buy in a store.

What stands out most about PlanetSide is the sheer scale. The worlds are huge, the warring teams are massive, and the scale of the constant planetary war is awesome. On top of that, the game is simply fun. It's a shooter to the core, and you can shape and grow your character as you choose. It's a bit of an RPG in that respect; you earn experience and spend it on skills and abilities.

Astonishingly, PlanetSide is still active today. You can download and play it, though there's still a monthly fee.

A few years ago PlanetSide 2 was announced, but I never expected to actually see it come out. MMOs don't seem to be Sony's deal anymore. Let's face it, the days of Everquest are long gone. Not to mention the fact that an MMOFPS has limited appeal.

Interestingly, it's not necessarily a bad thing to sell a product with limited appeal. Just look at EVE. It may only have 400,000 subscribers but they are fiercely loyal and stick with the game for a very, very, long time.

Anyway, PlanetSide 2 sneaked up on me. It came out today, and I'm pleasantly surprised. I have numerous misgivings about it being free to play, but I'll give it a shot. Stay tuned.

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