Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weekly Report - 08/10/2012

Last weekend a friend and I began Wanderlust in earnest. It’s a challenging game for us, though mostly due to player feedback issues in my opinion. We spent well over an hour trying to beat the final boss on normal difficulty. Every time we whittled him down to about 10% health, he would fly to the center of the arena and flood the screen with light which appeared to kill us. Then we were treated with a confusing cutscene about how the boss fight was “just a vision” and wasn’t real. We retried the boss over and over. We actually died a lot, but several times we made it far enough to see the “just a vision” cutscene. Could that really be the ending? After digging on the Wanderlust forums for a while we discovered that it truly is the normal difficulty ending. What a cop out. Regardless, I look forward to playing on hard for the “real” game.

I actually opened Skyrim this week! I’m about 10 hours in and enjoying it immensely. It’s not without its problems, of course. The open world gameplay is filled with distractions (I’ve spent a lot of my time smithing) and I have a hard time following any single thread of missions to its completion without being pulled in a different direction for something else. I also think destinations are too far away from each other. The world is simply too large. I’ve found a number of missions that start in Whiterun near the beginning of the game but require you to walk (!) all the way to the northwest corner of the map.

Unfortunately with all the time I spent in Skyrim I haven’t made any progress in Chinatown Wars, though I’d like to finish it off so I can move on to the rest of my unfinished DS backlog.

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