Monday, August 6, 2012

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Valve’s frequent sales on its Steam platform are a great way to save money on games, but sometimes it’s not so great for those of us trying to reduce our backlogs. This week I discovered a new retro action-RPG called Wanderlust:Rebirth for $7.49. One reviewer named a few retro games that inspired Wanderlust and invoked the sacred title Chrono Trigger.

Any time I hear Chrono Trigger I drop what I’m doing and pay close attention. Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time, by an order of magnitude. So of course I purchased Wanderlust in response, adding yet another unfinished game to my backlog (and I still haven’t even opened the shrinkwrap on my copy of Skyrim).

That said, Wanderlust is not so much like Chrono Trigger. It is, however, quite reminiscent of Secret of Mana. As you may recall, Secret of Mana could be played in a co-op fashion with a real-life friend. Wanderlust shares this feature and expands upon it, permitting up to four players in a game.

I haven’t played far into Wanderlust yet, but I really look forward to the co-op aspect as well as the nostalgia the game is bound to evoke.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, someone compared it to Chrono Trigger? I hope you weren't too disappointed with it! Think you'll be posting about our Wanderlust exploits sometime?
