Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekly Report - 05/24/2013

Vanquish is developer Platinum Games' chronological precursor to Bayonetta, but that doesn't mean the two titles have anything at all to do with one another. In fact, they are entirely different beasts. Vanquish is a fast-paced third-person shooter with an arcade-like feel.

It's quite a fun game. Initially I wondered why I had never even heard of this title, but I'm starting to suspect it didn't gain much popularity due to its lack of certain features. Namely, it lacks multiplayer and there are only two game modes: campaign and tactical challenges. The campaign is three hours short if you burn through it on casual or normal difficulty (hard difficulty will take you about eight hours). There are six tactical challenges which behave essentially like a horde mode. Sadly, this is where the bulk of your time will be spent - at least, if you're a completionist. The tactical challenges are ridiculously, outrageously challenging - particularly challenges 4 and 6.

That said, it's a game well worth picking up. I found it for $12.99 at a nearby video game shop.

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